Cockroaches are one of the most resilient pests; once they have invaded your structure, they are tough to control. Cockroaches carry diseases and can cause allergic reactions. Understanding why these insects are present and implementing the proper control procedures is of utmost importance to your and your family’s health. Cockroaches prefer warmer, humid places and always search for food and water. Therefore, they are found primarily in kitchens and secondarily in bathrooms. If found in or around your food, discard the food source immediately.
Cockroaches are transported into your home or office building, so inspect all packages and items brought into your home, gym bags, luggage, backpacks, and secondhand items purchased like sofas, refrigerators, or televisions. The best way to rid your home of a cockroach outbreak is to implement good sanitation and food storage practices, correct any leaking water issues, and refrain from using over-the-counter pest products. Take back your important kitchen and call Apex today. We will identify the species involved and implement a complete and effective treatment solution.
Cockroach Identification
The first step in treating a pest is identification. The German roach, American roach, oriental roach, and Pennsylvania wood roach are common cockroaches.
German Cockroach
Identification Tips:
- Color: Light brown to tan with two dark lines on the pronotum
- Legs: 6
- Size: Adults range from 1/4 to 5/8 inches long
- Identifying Characteristics: Oval shape; spiny legs; long, filamentous antennae; have wings, but rarely fly; young roaches (nymphs) are wingless, utterly black with a single light stripe, separating two black bands, running down about half of the middle of the back
Characteristics of this insect:
- Females carry an egg capsule (ootheca) from the abdomen until the eggs are ready to hatch. The ootheca is dropped in a secluded location, and nymphs (approx. 40) emerge within one day.
- Produces more eggs and generations per year (three to four) than any other roach. That is why a few German cockroaches turn into significant infestation.
- This insect is transported from place to place via commerce and transportation.
- If seen throughout the day, the infestation is considered significant.
American Cockroach
Identification Tips:
- Color: Reddish-brown, except for small pale mask-like patterns behind the head
- Legs: 6
- Size: Adults range from 1 3/8 to 2 inches long
- Identifying Characteristics: Pale mask-like pattern behind head; largest species of winged roach-fly short distances in the North, but are relatively good fliers in the South; one of the fastest running insects.
Characteristics of this insect:
- Females drop egg capsules (ootheca) about one or two days after formation. The ootheca is dipped in a secluded location, and nymphs (approx. 16) will emerge. Nymphs can take 6 to 21 months to mature, depending on environmental conditions
- Egg capsules deposited in the open are an indication of high populations
- Adults commonly live for more than one year
- Prefer warm, moist areas and may be found: inhabiting sewers, sub pavement gaps, boiler rooms, basements, tunnels, or other shelters with sources of heat, steam pipes, floor drains, and water sumps.
Oriental Cockroach
Identification Tips:
- Color:Very dark brown, almost black
- Legs: 6
- Size:Adult males measure 1 inch while females reach 1 1/4 inch long
- Identifying Characteristics:Greasy sheen to their bodies; males have wings covering ¾ of body while females have non-functional wings with broader bodies
Characteristics of this insect:
- They are called the “water bug” because they prefer damp, dark, and cool areas. When inside the structure, they usually forage on the first floor
- Females carry an egg capsule (ootheca) for less than 24 hours before depositing it in a secluded spot. Females can produce eight egg capsules containing about 16 eggs per capsule from spring to midsummer. Nymphs are active from about March through most of the summer.
- In early spring, you will find only adults. As nymphs increase throughout summer, adults die off. By fall, the majority of the population is adults.
- Feed on all kinds of filth, rubbish, and other decaying organic matter
- Favor crawl spaces, building foundations, sewer drains, outside under debris, stones, sidewalks, and mulches. They can survive outside for extended periods despite freezing weather.
Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach
Identification Tips:
- Color: Dark brown bodies with light brown wings
- Legs: 6
- Size: About 1 inch in length
- Identifying Characteristics: The females have shorter wings than the males and do not fly. The male roaches do fly.
Characteristics of this insect:
- Typically, these roaches do not enter human spaces. Instead, they live outside in the woods. However, during mating season, a male will follow a female into a structure if she has wandered inside
- The roaches may also be transported inside on bundles of firewood. To prevent an infestation, inspect all firewood before it is brought into your house.
- Adult males have longer wings than their bodies, while females have short wings. Males can fly, however, for only short periods
*Image courtesy of the author Happy1892. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.